Tuesday, December 27, 2011


i wish all my fan a prosperous new. May the new year come with lots of blessings to all of us.

Monday, August 29, 2011


As far as I am concerned, financial freedom means you are in complete control of your money since you spend les than you earn, thereby having a reserve which you can fall back on any day any time. Even though you have an expertise as a money making machine, yet you are an expert at managing your money and financial resources very well. Financial freedom may also mean that you would not need to worry for money again for the rest of your life. For this reason, you may afford to travel to any part of the world, not minding what would happen to your business in your absence. Looking at this concept from another perspective, it may mean that you are increasing your saving and assets regularly until you have more than enough. Lastly, it means you are not forced by circumstances to do any job just to be able to make money and make ends meet. In order words you only do what you enjoy doing, rather than what circumstances forced on you and when you are exposed to money making opportunities, you are able to turn such opportunities to stupendous wealth.

Looking at the concept of financial freedom as defined above, are you financially free at this moment or you are deeply in debt? This article will reveal to you how you can come out of debt completely. I will advise that you regularly visit this website in order to get timely information on offline and online money making opportunities as well as quick ways to make money and enjoy life to the utmost.

1. Have a desire to attain financial freedom: Napoleon Hill, in his popular book titled Think and Grow Rich, identified desire as the beginning of all worthwhile achievement in life. You must have a desire to be financially free because if this desire for change is not present, your condition will not change at all. Don’t you agree with view? Let me have your comments.
2. Pay Yourself First: All experts in financial matters agree that you must pay yourself first in order to be financially free. In order words, you should be able to save a portion of your income on regular basis. The amount saved regularly should not be less than 10% of your income. This is the first principle in any money making program or money making scheme.
3. Start early in your working life: The earlier you start your plan towards financial freedom, the better and easier it is for you to attain your goal and the longer you are able to enjoy what you have. For you who are close to retirement, you can still be financially free provided you start today. There must be a conscious effort to follow these money making tips that I will be sharing with you on this page.
4. Avoid debt as much as possible: Pay your outstanding debts and try not to add new debts. Consider the benefits before you make any purchases. Avoid spontaneous purchase as much as possible.
5. Pray for divine assistance: In all maters that affect your life, you need God’s help to be able to achieve success. This help can only come if you pray to God and seek His intervention. God, being a loving father, will gladly answer your prayers and show you how to make money, how to manage the money made and even, good making ideas that are almost free and will transform your life permanently. Think about the few ideas I share with you today till I come your way again. Thanks.

Saturday, July 23, 2011


In line with my promise in my last article, that I will outline steps to help you save a portion of your income, this article will be dedicated for that purpose. I hope you will enjoy reading. Before I go on however, I will like to stress the fact that it is not enough to read this article, you must put into practice what you will read in order to effect a change in your financial fortune. I know you are interested, the steps are as outlined below:

Always plan your expenses for the month: If you have been working for sometime, it should be easy for you to estimate amount needed for your basic needs for the month. When you make your plan, always do it in such a way that you still have at least 10% of your money for savings. A reference book for this information, which I think you should read, is the book titled THE RICHEST MAN IN BABYLON. It explains in details all about “paying yourself first” which is another term for saving.

Avoid impulsive purchases: It is common for people to buy things they did not budget for. This happens impulsively and financial resources are wasted as a result of this. One needs to be disciplined to avoid impulsive purchases that waste resources. It is important to develop the right mindset for this to be possible. Read about the correct mindset here .

Make saving an expense: When planning your expenses for the month, experts advised that saving should be one of the things you plan for . It should be planned as part of your expenses for the month. If this is done correctly, you will not struggle with how to remove this amount dedicated for saving anymore. Little drops of water makes a mighty ocean, as you continue to practice these steps you will eventually become debt-free and financially prosperous.

Be disciplined: I have come across people who are interested in being rich and prosperous but they lack the discipline required to make this happen. They dream of six figure income, but find it difficult to achieve their aim. Read about the simplest way to avoid this problem here. It is very true that without self discipline to follow your plan, saving will be impossible and you will still remain in debt. Out of the four steps outlined here, the issue of discipline is the most crucial; therefore do everything possible to attain self discipline. Thanks and God bless.


Are you really interested in being rich? Do you want to come out of debt? I will reveal a short way to make this possible. Before I discovered this secret I was always struggling to meet my financial obligations. I began to solve my financial problems when I came across a book titled THE RICHEST MAN IN BABYLON . You may click on the name of the book to have a look. According to the author of this book, the first step towards financial freedom is the practice of saving. It is customary for individuals to spend all the income they obtain within a month. This is the reason why the majority of people are struggling to meet their financial obligations. Let us think about it. Is it possible for a man to have financial breakthrough, who spends everything he makes within the month? Such an individual can never have financial freedom. He will perennially be short of money. Therefore, the first step towards financial freedom is to cultivate the habit of saving a portion of what you earn within the month. If you are interested in creating a six figure second income follow this link to get the secret. I know some people may complain that the money they make is small, but remember that if you cannot save when your income is small, you will not be able to save even when you are receiving a big income. This is because there is a law that says that your expenses will always increase to be equal to your income. In other words, as your income increases, so also shall your expenses increase. You can disobey this law by deciding to save a portion of your income. Note also that a financial expert says that if you cannot save a portion of your income, the seed of greatness is not in you. I can attest to the effectiveness of the habit of saving as a solution to problem of lack of money because I can see outstanding results since I started saving a portion of my money. Do you want to develop a millionaire’s mind set? Click here to see what I am talking about.. In subsequent articles, I will give you tips to help you in saving a potion of your income. Thank you for sharing your time with me.

Friday, July 15, 2011


In line with my promise in my last article, that I will outline steps to help you save a portion of your income, this article will be dedicated for that purpose. I hope you will enjoy reading. Before I go on however, I will like to stress the fact that it is not enough to read this article, you must put into practice what you will read in order to effect a change in your financial fortune. I know you are interested, the steps are as outlined below:
1. Always plan your expenses for the month: If you have been working for sometime, it should be easy for you to estimate amount needed for your basic needs for the month. When you make your plan, always do it in such a way that you still have at least 10% of your money for savings. A reference book for this information, which I think you should read, is the book It explains in details all about “paying yourself first” which is another term for saving.
2. Avoid impulsive purchases: It is common for people to buy things they did not budget for. This happens impulsively and financial resources are wasted as a result of this. One needs to be disciplined to avoid impulsive purchases that waste resources. It is important to develop the right mindset for this to be possible. Read about the correct mindset here .
3. Make saving an expense: When planning your expenses for the month, experts advised that saving should be one of the things you plan for . It should be planned as part of your expenses for the month. If this is done correctly, you will not struggle with how to remove this amount dedicated for saving anymore. Little drops of water makes a mighty ocean, as you continue to practice these steps you will eventually become debt-free and financially prosperous.
4. Be disciplined: I have come across people who are interested in being rich and prosperous but they lack the discipline required to make this happen. They dream of six figure income, but find it difficult to achieve their aim. Read about the simplest way to avoid this problem here. It is very true that without self discipline to follow your plan, saving will be impossible and you will still remain in debt. Out of the four steps outlined here, the issue of discipline is the most crucial; therefore do everything possible to attain self discipline. Thanks and God bless.

Saturday, May 14, 2011


In the last article I wrote, I emphasized that it is God’s will for all of us to be rich and I provided seven reasons why I believed God wants us to be rich. Today I shall be dwelling on the reasons why you are not rich yet, despite the fact that you ought to be rich. The reasons are as presented below.
1. You don’t believe that God’s people should be rich: It is a common misconception among Christians to feel that one should not be talking about money. Many people take the teachings of the bible concerning money out of context. For this reason they don’t like talking or discussing money and riches. If this is true with you, it is certain that you cannot be rich
2. You never define the amount of money you want: It is important for you to decide the amount of money you think will make you fulfilled.
3. You never make plans of how to get the money you want: It is not enough to define the amount of money you want, you need to make plans of how to get the money. You may need to acquire new skills which could be sold to obtain money.
4. You never follow your plans: Having made the plans about getting money, it is important to follow the plan as much as possible. There may be needs to amend the plan as you progress. But if the plan was not followed nothing will happen.
5. You probably make plans that are abstract and not practical: If your plan is impractical or the financial goal appears intimidating to you, you will not follow the plan you have made.
I know you will want to read further on this important topic, visit http://successandmoneymakingbooks-omolade.blogspot to see a list of books you may read. Thank you for sharing your time with me.

Friday, April 29, 2011


Looking at the population of people in the world today, we find that the extent of poverty is very high. Most people are near to their retirement and yet do not have reserves. One of the reasons for this state of things is the wrong attitude of people towards riches and wealth, particularly children of God. People tend to feel that it is wrong for people who are close to God to be financially rich. This article highlights seven reasons why God wants you to be rich.
1. God has pleasure in your financial prosperity: Reading in Psalm 35 verse 27, we saw that God has delight in the prosperity of all His servants, including you and me.
2. God specifically promised it: In Deuteronomy chapter 28 verse 12 we saw where God said we shall lend to nations and we shall not borrow. We are aware that God is faithful concerning His promises, therefore we expect people that obey God to be rich enough to lend to nations.
3. Christ paid for our riches: in 2Corinthians chapter 8 verse 9 we read, ye know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ that, though He was rich, yet for your sake he became poor that ye through His poverty might be rich.
4. God wants you to have more than enough to be able to contribute to His work: The work of God needs money to execute and the money will be contributed by all His children, including you.
5. God wants you to be rich to be able to provide for your family: Paul said anyone who cannot provide for his household is worse than an infidel. I know you as a believer would not want to be called an infidel. This is one reason why you must be rich.
6. God wants you to have enough money to be able to help the poor: There are poor people around us all the time, and the intention of God is that these people must be helped, you obviously would not be able to do that if you don’t have enough money
7. God wants you to be rich to be able to pay your taxes and other bills: In Mathew chapter 22 verse 21 Jesus commanded us to render unto Caesar what belongs to Caesar and to God what belongs to God.
Looking at all these reasons, I am sure that it is God’s will that all of us who are His children would have enough money to take care of al our needs.


I congratulate all Nigerians on the success of the elections that were held in Nigeria recently. This has demonstrated that Africans are capable of ruling themselves and that we can organize free, fair and credible elections. I also congratulate the president elect, Dr. Goodluck Ebele Jonathan, for the role he played in achieving this great success. May God continue to be with all of us.
Long live Nigeria.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


MAKE YOUR GOALS VISIBLE: You need to write the details of your goal on a colored paper. Place the paper where you can see it all the time. You may also print it on your business cards. All these activities will ensure that you see and read the details of your goal frequently as a result of which the goals will become fixed in your subconscious mind.

AVOID PROCRASTINATION: It is commonly said that procrastination is the thief of time, I boldly say that procrastination is the thief of all opportunities in life. Therefore it has to be avoided as much as possible. As soon as your goals and the steps are written down, start working on the steps immediately. Do not wait for an ideal time because there will never be a perfect time to start achieving your goals. The best time is now. You may need to break the steps into smaller tasks to make the goals easier. You must know that the most difficult aspect of achieving your goal is starting. Once you start every other aspect will become easier.

KEEP A JOURNAL OF COMPLETED TASKS: Keeping this journal helps you to be motivated. The more tasks you complete, the stronger your desire to do more. You may find ways of rewarding yourself for any task completed successfully.

I have a list of books which you can read to get more ideas about success at Http://successandmoneymakingbooks-omolade.blogspot.com. Go there now and see what i am talking about


Step 1: Know what you want
For success to be achieved in any area of life, it is important for you to determine what you really want to achieve in that area. What you really want must be such that you desire so much and you are willing to do anything to see it achieved If this is not done, there will not be sufficient force to motivate you towards achieving the goal. Are you really interested in achieving success in no time? Visit http:// for a list of good books that can change your life for the better.

Step 2: Write the goal down
The next step is to write the thing you want to achieve down. This simple exercise helps to make the goal conspicuous to you and it helps you to maintain focus. Experts advice that for this writing to be meaningful, it has to be as detailed and specific as possible. For example, “I want to make a lot of money” is not as detailed as “I want to attain an income of 2000 dollars monthly by 31st Dec. 2015” is more detailed and specific. To further enhance the effectiveness of what you have written, put it in a place where you can see it all the time. All these processes help the mind to create a mental image of what you really want.

Step 3: Give yourself reasons why you must achieve your goal
Without sufficient reasons to achieve your goal, you are likely to lose the desire when you encounter an obstacle or difficulty.

Step 4: Break the goal down into small tasks
It is important to break the big goal into small and manageable tasks, all leading to the achievement of the big goal. Start immediately to perform the tasks as listed and don’t wait for the ideal time to start.

I have a list of books which you can read to get more ideas about success at Http://successandmoneymakingbooks-omolade.blogspot.com. Go there now and see what i am talking about